Urbanism & ownership
Moet tactical urbanism toegankelijk zijn?
Moet tactical urbanism allen toegankelijk zijn voor bewoners en niet toeristen?
Moet tactical urbanism invloed hebben op het dagelijkse leven?
Mag tactical urbanism in de weg staan van vervoer?
Wat als tactical urbanism invloed heeft op het dagelijkse leven?
Better traffic regulation, decoration to improve the street scene. More greening. More security. Less car traffic in the city.
Private companies arrange all transport and water pipes, which means that the neighborhood feeling is lost. And this ensures that people no longer feel connected to the neighborhood / city. It's not their property after all, so DON'T BE GENTLE ITS A RENTAL
sterke tactical urbanism
geen tacticalurbanism
Urbanism creates a stronger communal feeling, which creates an extra neighborhood feeling, more responsibility, a safer environment, flying cars, more neighborhood ownership, better traffic management, more greening. Better city grid.
Society that has less of a stronger communal feeling. More individualism on properties, such as cars, homes, etc. Less well-maintained public transport.
Rotterdam 2050
Think as extreme as possible.
Is about preferable future.
Influence ownership.
Raise questions instead of solving the problems.
If the there would be a centralized network, there wouldn't be something anymore as in mostly the 60s where a person proudly cleans their new car on a Saturday. Proud at own property would be gone, this immediately affects the way of living and the way of dealing with the neighborhood. The 'neighborhood feeling' will reduce, because people will care less. Its not ours anyway, don't be gentle it's a rental.
Embrace this thought and enough problems will appear such as broken parts all over the road.
: what are you questioning?
: what, where, for who, how, whats the value?
PANTHA RHEI - a constant motion. mobility (a river is a constant flow, you can always stap in and out whenever you want).
When everything in a city, such as transport to water pipes, is a lease from a large company, residents no longer feel any pride or connection with the city. due to the fact that they no longer have property, this can only be solved with tactical urbanism.
IDEA: make a glass tunnel through the street through which public transport drives. It will be a car-free street and residents can look into the metro from their home.
We have opted for the new inner road in Rotterdam. We want to remove car traffic here for better safety and more space for residents to live. For pedestrians and cyclists we want to build a glass tunnel that runs underground with solar panels throughout the street. The roof of that tunnel then protrudes above it for people to walk on. All buildings and public transport that runs through this street only uses energy from these solar panels from the tunnel. This makes this street more sustainable. There is now more room for facilities, greening and more walking space.
- more sustainable
- safer
- more open feeling in a city
- possibility to place more facilities and greening
- street is full of shared bicycles and scooters.
- less noise pollution
Luminous stones lie next to the glass sidewalk. These stones can also be found on the museum square in Amsterdam. when lit, they glow a little. The sun and light of the metro illuminate the street at night. As a result, the annoying light from the street lamp no longer shines into your house, but subtly illuminates the street from below. These tiles are also the lines for the cycle path.
where: nieuwe binnenweg Rotterdam
for who: the inhibitants in the street
how: a glass tunnel underground for the metro system
what's the value:
An underground glass metro system will provide a nicer, safer, eco friendltier ambience in the street.
- more sustainable
- safer
- more open feeling in a city
- possibility to place more facilities and greening
- street is full of shared bicycles and scooters.
- less noise pollution
KEY CONCEPT: An underground glass metro system will provide a nicer, safer, eco friendltier ambience in the street.
TARGET GROUP: inhabitants of the streets
PROBLEM: Do not yet have something that creates ownership in the street with residents
FIRST: More Ideas, het probleem
Malou: photos, Moodboard
Denise: sketches and incorporate sketches to digital photoshop
Dagmar: sketches,
Luca: pitch book, write down the scenarios in a story format A4.
manqueue maken en filmen.
Enlight the street by movement. which means: Door middel van beweging van andere verlicht de straat. Bepaalde soort tegels op straat die reageren op beweging en druk zorgt ervoor dat er lichtgevende sporen worden achtergelaten van fietsers, voetgangers, skateboarders etc.
more awareness, every step has an impact as you can see.
feetprint in earth.
a new dimension in awareness, and integrate. there is a footprint in everything you want to do in this planet. impact!
generates a feeling of awareness, and you generate energy, so you bring extra value to inhabitants.
EXAMPLE: of park choosing, gives more engagement to inhabitants.
1. Wat hebben de inwoners er aan
because of the tiles on the side walk, where people walk and bikers cycle, the weight of these people and things will press in the stone/tile a bit, this generates a minimum of energie, but because of the shops down in the street, there will be a lot of people walking and cycling all this together causes more and more engergie which will be brought to the inhabitants of the streets, this way their energie bill drop in price.
2. Wat heeft het vervoer eraan inc infrastructuur etc
Because of no traffic in the streets like cars and trams, the pedestrians can move more easily.
Because of the fact you can see the old footsteps of people walking, there is a possibility that people won't walk in the opposite direction anymore cause they are being guided by the footprints of the past pedestrians (which fade away after 30/30 seconds).
3. Wat heeft de gemeente Rotterdam eraan?
Generates a new tourist attraction
Better traffic guidance
Happier inhabitants because they care more about their special street.
Less shop lifting because you can trace the steps.
People will do less secret stuff, so maybe a little invasion of privacy??
NAME: Signature Movement
What do your inhabitants stand for? What drives them? Shortly said, who are they?
CONCEPT: Get to know your inhabitants by looking at their footprint. The statement of inhabitants and pedestrians will be visible on the ground by walking, and slowly disappear.
How? Tiles will provide an sustainable energie source by other walking on top of them, the pressure of the weight of pedestrians provide energy. The tiles will also be covered in paint
The year 2050, Rotterdam. Every transportation form is public and shareable. This means nobody in the city owns their own car, bike, step or scooter. This causes an effect of ‘Don’t be gentle it’s a rental’, a leak of ownership which results into abuse of these public transportation vehicles, and eventually also into a society which doesn’t care about their own neighbourhood, the ownerships of the inhabitants is at loss. The result? Damaged public vehicles, trash on the street an no longer a cohesion to be found.
Now image a sunny street in the centre of Rotterdam in 2050, this street has an overwhelming of ownership by the inhabitants. How does this street appear?
No cars are allowed, this gives more peace and space for pedestrians and residents.
The street will be tiled with a very interesting technique underneath. These tiles generate energie as people walk, cycle, run, rollerskate on it, more weight and movement = more energie. This way the street will generate it own energy to enlighten the street at night. Despite of this the tile changes by color when pressure is pushed down on it. This leaves a print of the previous pedestrian or biker for about 20 seconds and slowly fades away. These prints will stimulate walking in the correct direction and so activates an easier flow of people through the street.
Alternatives scenarios:
These tracks of previous people will also generate a better traffic guidance
less shoplifting because of the fact it’s easy to trace the thief.
People will feel owner of their street again, because it is easy to anticipate in it, just go for a walk or cycle for a bit and your traces will be seen for a short period of time and energy for your own street will be won.
For kids it is a fun way of learning how you can communicate by shapes because everyone can walk in a circle or make any kind of shape with their body on the tiles of the street. This provides a certain amount of freedom and active learning to keep in shape.
Privacy invasion
If technology is implanted in the tiles instead of paint, this could communicate with the government with AI, how the inhabitants and people that walk on the street are thinking and feeling because of their footstep
AI can provide and show how busy it is atm.
The street could provide a covid safe zone, because AI would know how many people there are and also the footsteps could provide a zone someone is in, to keep the 1,5m distance. Jolan Van Der Wiel (corona lasers)
Despite of all of this, it also creates awareness for what a footprint is, environmentally thinking. What do you leave behind? The footprint you leave behind is only 20 seconds, but everything you throw away will stay on the streets and so has a more permanent print of the tiles. This creates awareness.
- A new movement will start, whatever you leave behind can also become something as a statement. As humans we all want to leave something behind, we want to be noticeable. We want to be seen. A footprint could be a statement, underneath your shoe could be a quote, text or important image you stand for or want to show the world. This means that wherever you go you leave your signature move. According to the piramide of Maslow, there is a typical order in needs:
Physical needs
Social needs
This order of topics should be exactly the other way around, in what is more important. As pedestrians see other footprints and other identities they are confronted with the (new world, other opinions etc). This will influence the state of mind, and will enrich life of others and start a movement of understanding and appreciation. As people see this they will also think for themselves, what do I want to leave behind, what do I stand for? Self realisation will be a big part of society and so opinions will change, people will understand each other better because they are confronted by other opinions/religions etc. A psychological healthier society.
A street would now have a clear signature of the inhabitants, what do they stand for and what now? The people that walk there, what do they leave behind?
Everybody wants to be found
Wat heeft de gemeente eraan:
Data over hoe de inwoners zich voelen en waar ze voor staan.
beweging stimuleren
Energie winnen
Cohesie gevoel verbeterd (ownership improvement)
No traffic lines nessecary no more because of the way its visible by how people walk
Less shop lifting because you can trace the steps.
Wat hebben de bewoners eraan?
outdoor park voor kids, stimuleert bewegend leren
Eigen energie opwekken
Meer samenhorigheid gevoel en een delende identiteit wat cohesie verbeterd
Wat heeft de infrastructuur eraan?
zorgt voor minder gebruik van auto en wordt meer gelopen dus druk van OV af.